In September 2023, Dr. Alessandra Ribeiro Martins, Bianca Lucia Martins Lopes, and Flávia Tamiris Soares Silva, members of Comunidade Jongo Dito Ribeiro, from Campinas, Brazil were invited by Rosely Conz, assistant professor of Dance at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), to spend a week sharing their traditions in Colorado, USA. Using archival footage filmed at Fazenda Roseira, Comunidade Jongo Dito Ribeiro headquarters, and UCCS, this documentary plays with the concept of transit - geographical, cultural, and social of Jongo. It includes points of view of the members of Comunidade Jongo Dito Ribeiro and UCCS students to highlighting dance education and race issues.
Directed and edited by Rosely Conz
With Dr. Alessandra Ribeiro Martins, Bianca Lúcia Martins Lopes, Flávia Tamiris Soares Silva, Comunidade Jongo Dito Ribeiro.
Dancers: Weston Buhr, Kaley Corinaldi, Elijah Gleason, Modi Gleason, Lawrence Lewis, Diana Estrada, Heather Pitts, Monika Rivera, Adalyn Vitgenos.
Camera: Mordred Cameron, Diogo Angeli, Tori Smith.
Production: University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Mickey Burdick, Richard Pfister.
Using drone technology as a starting point the screendance Olhor Nú plays with the roles of observer and observed, raising questions about agency, power, and consent in the context of technology and observation.
Performance and choreography: Rosely Conz; Cinematography and Editing: Ana Baer; Drone operation: Dante Vicenzo; Music: Divan Gattamorta; Director/Producer: Ana Baer + Rosely Conz; Filmed on location at The Observatório a Olho Nu Aldebaran Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil
Filmed during the 3rd edition of Sans Souci Brazil during the residency Dance Poetics for The Screen, conducted by Leonel Brum and Lilian Graça.
Special thanks to Júlia Ziviani, Grupo Dançaberta, Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, UCCS, and Texas State University.
Deleite honors the delicate balance of motherhood by exploring the embodied weight of the physical and psychological consequences of maternal caregiving. The juxtaposed delight and struggle of parenting are reflected in the title, Deleite, a play on words meaning both delight and ‘of milk’ in Brazilian Portuguese. In collaboration with Patrizia Herminjard.
Special thanks to Mountain Mudworks for the help with the bricks.
A film by Rosely Conz and Patrizia Herminjard
Deleite honors the delicate balance of motherhood by exploring the embodied weight of the physical and psychological consequences of maternal caregiving. The juxtaposed delight and struggle of parenting is reflected in the title, Deleite, a play on words meaning both delight and ‘of milk’ in Brazilian-Portuguese.
Music: Michael Wall
Performers: Rosely Conz and Teresa Conz Pfister
Cinematography and Editing: Patrizia Herminjard
Assistant Camera: Gabriel Wright
Production Assistants: Richard Pfister & Gabriel Wright
“Lugares Esquecidos” was filmed in the city of Campinas, Brazil, in spaces that are usually invisibilized or forgotten. The goal of this work is to inhabit and transform these spaces.
A film by Diogo Angeli, Rosely Conz and Bruno de Castro.
A short screendance about motherhood.
Immigration, taffy, wax. Removal, alien, roots, belonging. Dance. These apparently unrelated words are the departure point for Uprooted, a dance for camera project that uses contemporary and Mid-Michigan site-specific dance, metaphor, and movement to address issues of immigration, migration, and displacement to a soundtrack of local immigrant stories that narrate their relationships to the concept of Uprooted, a film by Rosely Conz and Stephany Slaughter.
Inspired by the poem “O Azul” written by Brazilian poet Clarice Lispector, TerraBlue is a dance for camera that plays with the Portuguese word Terra, meaning Earth and soil. Earth, ironically mostly covered by water, blue as seen from space. Or blue as the sky when we look up from Earth. Is blue a matter of perspective? Is it possible to have mobile and yet nourished roots? These are questions permeating TerraBlue.
TerraBlue is a collaboration between filmmaker Ana Baer, choreographer Rosely Conz, and composer Alexis Bacon. From their experiences as foreigners and/or immigrants, this work deals with issues of identity, belongingness, and distance.
One-minute dance for camera in collaboration with Adam Sekuler.
An intermedia planetarium installation featuring visuals by Megan Gafford, Will Lewis, Eric Stewart, Rosely Conz and audio by Brian D. Kelly.
Dance for camera done in collaboration with Adam Sekuler.